
Showing posts from September, 2022

Smooth Matcha With Easy Lump Removal Techniques

It is common for matcha tea to create a lump when it is added to hot water or milk. Even if you whisk it with a spoon, often it’s not possible to get it smoothened.  So what do you do to remove such clumps from your matcha powder? Simply choose Aki matcha's ceremonial grade matcha , and keep your matcha safe from getting bunched and clustered from moisture.  Techniques To Get Rid Of Lumps in Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Here are some ways to avoid lumps in your organic matcha green tea powder while preparing it:   Pass the matcha tea powder through a sieve before adding it to the liquid.  Use a bamboo whisk and lukewarm water (70-80°) when preparing tea.  If there are lumps after making the matcha tea, it might not be possible after so many processes, to get rid of them with a strainer or spoon.  Now take a sip of your matcha tea and enjoy its healthy benefits. 

I Am A Diabetic Person: Can I Drink Matcha?

Matcha tea has become dramatically popular here in the USA. And why shouldn’t it be?  Japanese matcha green tea powder offers beneficent anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and anti-viral properties. But does matcha green tea help people suffering from diabetes? YES, it does!  Matcha tea is known to protect from both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. One of the main components of matcha that’s super beneficial for diabetes is “Epigallocatechin or EGCG”. The EGCG blocks the softening of the vascular muscular levels, which is caused by blood sugar levels. This component also helps reduce cholesterol levels. So, it is clear that matcha must be the go-to beverage for diabetic patients. Grab the finest quality ceremonial grade matcha from trusted brands like Aki Matcha. And drink at least 2 cups to keep your sugar levels in check!

Energize Yourself With Matcha Green Tea

Organic matcha green tea powder from Japan is a super-concentrated form of matcha. It's made from finely milled green tea leaves that have been steamed, bruised, and ground into a fine powder. The result is a super-premium, high-potency form of matcha that packs a punch of high levels of antioxidants and amino acids which helps to boost your metabolism and fight fatigue.   The Matcha ceremonial grade is a more expensive form that's especially meant for use in ceremonies and special events. It's made from the highest quality leaves and has been hand-processed for longer periods than regular matcha. This means it has more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than regular grade. It also has more caffeine (about 50% more than the regular grade).   Matcha is an excellent source of concentrated energy, antioxidants, and enhanced metabolism. Try making a smoothie with matcha, making a latte, or even baking some treats!